Terms? We don’t need no stinkin’ terms.
Actually, in a nutshell, here are some terms. This document is clearly temporary, and will be replaced by some legitimate legalese.
- Northline Navigation, LLC creates Score-O races for Affiliates and publishes them to the free UsynligO app.
- Approved Affiliates determine venue, duration, start and end dates (for asynchronous events) and difficulty rating of their Score-O races.
- Score-O maps are mostly-unadorned exports from OpenStreetMap.org and cannot be relied upon for 100% accuracy. It is the Affiliate’s responsibility to provide Northline Navigation with any pertinent information about map accuracy (and accessibility) before taking delivery.
- The product consists of a Score-O event uploaded to UsynligO, which provides a PDF course map for participants to self-print. Northline Navigation can provide printed course maps for an additional fee.
- Event registration takes place on the Northline Navigation website like any other race registrar. Attendee lists are exportable from the affiliate admin interface.
- Event results are provided by the UsynligO app. Northline Navigation does not currently receive or present event results.
- Affiliate and Northline Navigation split ticket revenue 50/50 at the time of ticket purchase. Sales are trackable via the affiliate admin interface on the Northline Navigation website.
- Payouts are sent to Affiliates on a weekly schedule via PayPal. Affiliates must have a PayPal account to receive Payouts. Future releases will feature On-Demand Payouts as well as EBT (bank transfer) capabilities.
- Due to COVID-19, all events are set up as asynchronous events without the need for gatherings.
- Events are rain-or-shine, and there are no refunds.
- Northline Navigation, LLC is not affiliated with, nor has any control over, the UnsynligO platform. In the event of app issues, Northline Navigation can only report the problem to the UsynligO development team.
- Northline Navigation, LLC does not offer support for participant smartphones or the UsynligO app.